Various |
CMN 101 / CMN 104 |
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Choose CMN 101 or CMN 104. |
CMN 101 |
Introduction to Speech I |
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介绍应用于公开演讲的口头交流的基本原则. 本课程通过学生在小组面前发言的各种练习,强调口头沟通技巧的掌握. 包括对准备、组织和交付等主题的分析. IAI: C2 900. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
CMN 104 |
Interpersonal Communication |
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介绍与面对面互动相关的基本理论和概念. 重点放在交流在创作中的作用, maintenance, and termination of social, romantic, familial, 以及职业关系. IAI: MC 901 |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
CSC 247 |
2D Animation |
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2D动画侧重于创建和操作图形以创建应用程序交互, video effects, and short animated films. 学生将获得使用各种动手和软件工具创建手绘和计算机动画的经验. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
CSC 256 |
Web Programming III |
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学生将使用HTML创建静态网站, CSS, 以及基于工作网站设计原型的JavaScript. 使用项目管理和沟通工具, 学生将与网站设计师合作建立时间表, negotiate changes, 并为他们的工作寻求认可. 在可能的情况下,本课程的学生将以团队形式工作,以获得项目管理技能. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
CSC 257 |
Database Management |
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本课程向学生介绍数据库的概念和数据库管理系统的使用. 主题包括使用MySQL服务器和使用MySQL语言:创建数据库, create tables, 添加和删除表字段, 建立表字段之间的关系, manipulating records, and create queries. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
Various |
MAT Gen. Ed. Requirements (AAS) |
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寻求AAS学位的学生必须从列出的课程中至少选择一门课程. |
MAT 100 |
Technical Mathematics |
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一门旨在涵盖与职业相关的数学过程和问题的课程, 技术和劳动力应用. Specific topics include fractions; decimals, ratio, proportion and percentage; measurements; and area and volume. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
MAT 109 |
Elementary Statistics |
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统计学对统计数据的收集和解释的研究. 具体的主题包括对样本数据的描述, probability, probability distributions, sampling, estimation, testing hypotheses, correlation, and regression. IAI: M1 902. |
Prerequisites: |
MAT 020成绩在两个学期内达到“C”或以上, 合适的分数线, or consent of department |
MAT 113 |
College Algebra |
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本课程适用于计划继续大学数学教育或满足大学转学要求的学生. Topics include advanced factoring of higher order polynomials; solving quadratic inequalities; advanced topics in relations, functions and their graphs; zeroes and graphs of polynomial and rational functions; and exponential and logarithmic functions. |
Prerequisites: |
MAT 020成绩在两个学期内达到“C”或以上, 合适的分数线, or consent of department |
MAT 114 |
Trigonometry |
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本课程适用于计划继续大学数学教育或满足大学转学要求的学生. 它是对正弦的研究和分析, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent function; show these functions are used to solve many types of problems involving the sides and angles of triangles; and how these functions are used to solve many types of problems involving cyclic patterns, some that vary with time. Topics include definitions, properties and manipulation of trigonometric functions; applications of trigonometric functions; analytic trigonometry; trigonometric form of complex numbers; and polar coordinates, equations and graphs. |
Prerequisites: |
MAT 020成绩在两个学期内达到“C”或以上, 合适的分数线, or consent of department |
MAT 220 |
解析几何与微积分1 |
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本课程旨在向有意攻读工程相关学位的学生介绍导数和积分的概念, science or mathematics. Specific topics include functions and graphs; slopes and rates of change; limit theory and continuous functions; formal differentiation; application of differentiation; integration; and applications of integration. IAI: M1 900-1, MTH 901. |
Prerequisites: |
MAT 113和MAT 114成绩为“C”或以上,在一个学年, 合适的分数线, or consent of department |
MAT 234 |
社会科学家的微积分 |
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本课程旨在向商科和社会科学专业的学生介绍导数和积分的概念. 这些概念的应用强调使用微积分来解决商业和社会科学问题. Specific topics include relations and functions; algebraic functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; derivatives; applications of derivatives; advanced derivative techniques; integrals; advanced integration techniques. IAI: M1 900B. |
Prerequisites: |
在一学年内取得MAT 113成绩C或以上, 合适的分数线, or consent of department |
Various |
认可选修课(应用科学网页发展副学士) |
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Web开发应用科学副学士学位的认可选修课. |
ART 126 |
2D Design and Color |
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对二维表面的视觉感知和构图的研究. 基本的视觉问题解决将强调在空间,形状,线条和颜色. 1课时,2课时实验. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
ART 137 |
Graphic Design II |
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本课程建立在艺术136开始的美学和技术技能. 开发替代插图, type generation, scanning, 和布局技能,以及提高软件技能,在矢量插图, 基于项目格式的照片处理和布局. 排版,印刷过程,工作流程和沟通的有效性强调. |
Prerequisites: |
ART 100和ART 136,或部门同意 |
ART 226 |
Graphic Design III |
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学生将继续学习与市场营销相关的设计原则, 通讯及商业. 色彩处理,照片处理和打印技术将有针对性. 学生研究广告设计和布局,并为杂志创作广告和编辑插图, books and Web pages. |
Prerequisites: |
ART 136 and ART 137 |
BUS 131 |
Principles of Marketing |
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市场营销领域概览, 本课程旨在让学生了解市场营销的基本原理和市场营销系统的运作. |
Prerequisites: |
(none) |
CSC 119 |
Programming I |
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这门课程涉及解决问题的入门水平, 教授结构化和面向对象语言, C++, 并使学生了解作为以后课程工作基础的方法论. |
Prerequisites: |
CSC 112 with a grade of "C' or above; Intermediate algebra skills recommended |
CSC 190 |
可携式文件格式(adobeacrobat) |
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着重于使用行业标准的可移植文档格式创建和分发可移植文档. 主题包括从其他应用程序创建PDF文档, sharing PDFs, document review processes, PDFs for print or Web use, interactive forms, document security, 无纸化出版和协作解决方案. 课程使用行业标准的电子文档交换程序进行教学. |
Prerequisites: |
CSC 100或CSC 106或部门同意 |
CSC 216 |
数据库-专家级(访问) |
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主题包括创建和修改高级表, 创建和修改表单, refining queries, 使用高级报表功能, defining relationships, using Access tools, 创建数据库应用程序, 并使用互联网和其他来源的数据. 课程将使用流行的数据库管理系统软件包进行教学. |
Prerequisites: |
CSC 116,成绩C或以上 |
CSC 274 |
Language Survey (Java) |
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本课程将指导学生使用Java编程语言开发应用程序和小程序. 学生还将构建视觉上有趣的GUI和基于web的应用程序,并学习结构化和面向对象编程技术的基础知识. |
Prerequisites: |
CSC 112成绩为“C”或以上或部门同意 |